Learn Sharks!

Sharks What are sharks?

Sharks are a group of elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head. Sharks have been living in Earth’s oceans for 450 million years. Sharks are ectothermic (cold-blooded), which is like other fishes! There is also approximately 350 different species of sharks. I'll be sharing only a few sharks I find interesting along with some equally interesting facts about sharks.

Nurse shark

Sharks Are they endangered?

Different and numerous shark species have decreased drastically due to fishing practices, overfishing, and bycatching. Unsustainble practices and improper fishing techniques not only affect sharks but many other species in the ocean. Most nets used for fishing drag across the ocean floor destroying habitats and killing many sea animals. Some shark species are critcally endagered and are expected to become extinct if nothing changes.

Hammerhead shark

Sharks What are some common misconceptions of sharks?

Did you know, that sharks sight is horrible? I mean horrible. They often mistake things for seals or other prey because they look similar. It's as if sharks need glasses. Shark attacks for humans are not common and are often exagerated into it being often. Only three species (white, tiger and bull) are responsible for the majority of all bites. So many species and only 3 are the ones to "worry" about. Another sad and important fact to know, is that shark fins don't grow back. Once they are cut off or damaged beyond repair they often cause the shark to bleed out and die because it can't swim anymore and it can't hunt food.

Shark swimming

Sharks Why do I like sharks?

I think sharks are amazing and fascinating apex predators. The different species of sharks exhibit amazing effects of evolution and demonstrate how sharks can come in all different shapes and sizes. For example, the saw shark and hammerhead shark are in fact sharks, but look nothing alike to each other or even a great white shark. You can see their teeth, fins, and movements are similar to each other, but basic appearances are completely different. This is amazing! They move at unbelievable speeds and use scent as its main sense for searching for prey. Did you know, that sharks sight is horrible? I mean horrible. They often mistake things for seals or other prey because they look similar. It's as if sharks need glasses.

Saw shark Divers in ocean swimming with sharks Sharks swimming in deep blue